Vocabulary is a main part in any language, and therefore it is in one of the most spoken languages ​​in the world. English is an extended language throughout the world, which is used in all international fields, be it economic, social, political, scientific, etc.

Consequently, it is one of the tools of competitiveness of the world, and therefore, there are many academies dedicated to teaching the language, thus becoming the global language that humans share regardless of the area in which you live. Because learning English in these times is not fundamental anymore, but practically obligatory.

One of the most useful tools for learning a language whose phonetics are different from the mother tongue is to record the accents of the students in order to improve their diction and pronunciation. The pronunciation in English is completely different to Spanish, therefore, recording yourself can be useful when learning to speak English.

The pronunciation is one of the most complicated facets when learning English, especially for those who have never practiced it. It can become very difficult to communicate at the time of entering the conversational field, that is why only the best native professionals can provide the tools to have a correct and fluent pronunciation, the lexicon is the handling of the terminology of perfect pronunciation and This only happens when we acquire an excellent ability through the best learning strategies.

The instruction is based on what is practiced, and the English vocabulary only improves and increases with its use, this means that only by practicing the required result is achieved

May I go to the bathroom?
May I drink some water?
May I sharpen my pencil?
May I trow the paper in the basket?
May I erase the board?
May I go to the office?
May I help you?
May I open/close the door/windows?
May I take some photocopies?
May I come in?
May I have some snack?
I've finished/ I haven't finished
Wait a minute teacher please
Excuse me teacher
I am ready teacher
I can't hear you
Could You repeat please
I don't understand
How do you say that in english?
Could you lend me a pen please?
Is that correct/right/ wrong?
What's the mearning of this?
Sorry I'm late
What does this word mean in english/spanish?


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